
Please Don't Disturb...
Email & Marketing Alchemy, Schemery and Military Precision Planning 
at Work Here For Savvy, Growth Obsessed eBiz Owners, Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Enter the sweet and fascinating world of personality driven copy and communications that'll not only give you SUPREME marketplace attention, but will also give you faster, profitable, smoother ways to get the sale, and create astonishingly happy, ongoing, long term customer relationships



From: R. Hireker

     If you run and own a business you're committed to and passionate about, and where you want to sell more of your products or services via email...

     ...whilst at the same time retaining more of your current customers and forming an almost unbreakable bond with them, then... this letter will show you how.

     I don't know how many years it has been for you but the delight and entertainment factor in almost all business communications I receive, is very much on the downward depressing nose dive.  

     It's NOT getting better.

     It's actually getting uglier 

     And maybe you've noticed that also. 

     The sheer fun, joy and excitement has been driven right out of it.

     It's nearly all pretty much... charmless, lacklustre, commoditised.


     And don't start cheering and getting you banners out yet because that's not the end of it. 

     In fact, it'll get even more depressing for you from a lost sales and profit front.

     Because yes, the quality, style, language, energy and overall impact of your communications is directly linked to what shows up in your sales and profits.  

     There's no getting away from it or fighting it. It just is. 

     Being communicatively boring, indifferent, lazy and uninspiring are the reasons most businesses suffer, wheeze and many ultimately, collapse.

     Whether it's the Owners themselves or those they hire, they're, mentally depleted, technically tongue tied on a writing and idea generation front.

     And in turn, has them desperately hunting for quick-fix short cuts to remedy the situation.   

     Don't take my word for it.

     Try applying that way of doing things (desperately hunting for quick-fix short cuts to remedy the situation) to a personal relationship and you'll know what'll come out of it. (And yet, the revelation is your relationship with your customers is pretty much a personal one as well, so that's something for you to definitely think deeply on!)  

Despite All The AI hooplah, razamatazz and trumpeting, it is NOT your marketing and business saviour when it comes to your communications.  

      It's easy not to be sucked into the hypnotic, hype filled whirlwind going on in the marketplace, where plenty of Owners and Entrepreneurs rearranging their entire business operations, going lock stock and smoking barrel by hurtling headfirst into the FOMO AI bandwagon, especially when it comes to their communications and marketing.    

     It's mentally addicting for many owners, jumping up and down, itching to get on the magic silver bullet marketing train.

     Because with AI piercing its ugly tentacles into many business owners minds, seducing them with the lure and promise of pumping our faster, fresher, newer communications at breakneck speed, the marketplace for almost every category of business or service will soon be FLOODED with almost virtually the same kind of ideas, writing and messaging.

     What that means is the communications you'll see out there will all resemble and eventually cannibalise each other, therefore creating no valuable distinction or advantage in the marketplace for business owners.      

     That's certainly NOT a good position for you to be in.    

    Now I don't want to get morbidly graphic about it but thanks to these robotic tools...

...it's helped rip the communication humanity right out of the heart of what a business wants to communicate!      

     The raw truth is an unsung marketing ACE CARD for owners who are ready to embrace a NEW way to communicate to the world. 

     Marry that truth ACE CARD together with bringing the lip smiling joy, the sheer quivering delight and the Frank Sinatra entertainment factor into the way your products and services are written about, marketed and sold... so your customers and prospects can say with all honesty and sincerity... "AT LAST...A BUSINESS WHOM I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR FROM AND BUY FROM!"...

   When you get to that place... 


     You've a recipe for communication success that'll be hard to beat.             

How is it done?

     By cleverly and intelligently fusing liberal dynamic sprinklings of  PERSONALITY, PUNCH, ENTERTAINMENT AND PREMIUM DIRECT RESPONSE COPY deep into your emails, email campaigns and product launches... in YOUR VOICE.  

(Of course, they can be applied to your ads, webpages, sales letters, social media posts, lead generation pitches, proposals, reports, courses, invitations, promotions - in fact all your sales writing and business communications, though this invitational letter is about the online money making asset of all online assets - EMAIL)

      A customised Email system will help grow and scale your business in a multiplied way.

     Because that's what logically happens when your audience becomes glued, mesmerised, entertained, sold... through the kind of captivating ideas and thoughts put into your communications that your audience will simply... love to buy from!   

     And not just once.

     They'll continue to buy from you... over and over again. 

     And email is PERFECT for creating that customer retention goldmine for you. 

      What Do You Actually Sell?

     Now it's not a trick question because it almost doesn't matter what you sell.

     Mentoring or coaching services, tummy reducing ointments, high-grade engineering, informational products, martial arts,  luxury catamaran cruises, cosmetic dentistry, Construction, writing services, dog poop clearing services, memory training, body wellness services, health and fitness,  business education, music courses, marketing training, software, physical products. Even, looking for the right life partner! Or anything else.

     It just doesn't matter what you promote and sell.

     The bottom line is this: if you've a valuable product or service that actually helps people and solves a big problem for them, then the communication ideas in this letter could be helpful to you and your business.   

     And if you're thinking to yourself that your business is different and that you are in a boring market with boring products and services, or... that your audience is too sophisticated and too above this kind of writing and selling primarily through email, then let me repeat this again -- and that's even though you might be sick of hearing this particular message over and over again by now --

    ... what matters most in your communications is what you say, how you say it, the quality of your ideas, how inviting, charming, energising, entertaining and inspirationally compelling and exciting you make it for your reader to want to connect with you and ultimately, buy. And that too, over and over again.      

     Let me give that to you a little differently:

    If you're currently running a business (no MLM, drugs, sex, alcohol, cigarettes or any product or service deliberately designed to mess with the brain) that's dependent and driven on having to produce fresh ideas, effective marketing strategies, campaigns, irresistible and compelling email copywriting and sales writing... 

     THEN... Do You Need This Specialised Kind of Customised Email Help Working for You In Your Business?

     And guess what? 

     This is ultimately NOT about writing compelling emails for your business.

     It is, but it isn't.  

     Because most email copywriters with a brain and some smarts, can write emails.

     This is different.

     It's about strategically using email in order to create additional income streams, creating business assets for you and solving all the problems proper communications can solve for you and your business, a business that you're totally committed to and passionate about. 

      That's what this is about. 

And So Here's What You Should You Do Next If What You've Read Here Has You Thinking... "Hmmm... Maybe?!"

       Contact me by sending an email to the following: raja.hireker@gmail.com or, by calling me on: 07903 905 802.

Here's what will happen when you do that:

     We'll see what's going on in your business and what you want help with. And, we'll talk about various ideas and what can be done to help you.

     And importantly, there's zero commitment on either side to do anything more if we don't want to. 

     Thank you. 


     Raja Hireker 
/Copywriter/Idea Generator/Cocker Spaniel    Owner


    Get Your FREE BOOK that packs your emails with fresh ideas and copy that'll get your emails opened, read and bought from 

   If you want to see direct marketing ideas and copywriting strategies and tactics in real time action that you can immediately apply to your business or venture, and immediately profit from them... then immerse yourself in the proven profitable goodness you'll find here -- THE IDEAS AND STRATEGIES         


"It’s very rare that I give a testimonial but with Raja Hireker it’s a totally different ball game and that’s because of his advice, support, marketing know how and help. He has helped play a major part in 2 major business ventures where one has generated well in excess of £1million per year and the other in excess of £100k and rising. Whether it’s working on the strategy, the Headlines, sales letters, constructing a webinar, email campaigns, in fact any type of marketing you need to bring the results in, then Raja is the man I recommend. There's also tremendous value you'll gain when sitting or speaking with him as whatever marketing or business problems or thoughts you have rolling around your head, he has a way to put it into simple terms and gives you incredibly practical answers and intelligent solutions to solve what needs to be solved. He is a massive asset to any business especially as a mentor and consultant and will make you feel that you are the only business he works with, which is a very unique talent. I honestly think you'll love working with him because of what he can do for you and who he is as a person."
-- Neil Murphy -- Serial Entrepreneur (neil@digiretention.com)

If there was one copywriter and marketing mastermind I would rather keep under wraps and not share with anyone else it would be Raja. I would dearly love to keep him under 'lock and key' as a full time member of my team. In reality, that's just not possible. Raja's genuine enthusiasm for each project he becomes involved in is overwhelming. He truly ensures everything that can be done IS DONE in order for a promotion to pull its best response possible. One little change Raja put in place with my marketing copy doubled the conversion rate of my subscription website almost overnight. When you find a copywriter like that YOU'LL want to keep him quite too!" N. James – Internet & Mail Order Entrepreneur

"Raja has written all my sales letters and has had a good hand in all the email copy and strategy. His ideas are exceptional and his timeliness in creating the finished output is extremely high. Also, my consulting brainstorm sessions with him always generates high value ideas. His work has helped me bank tens of thousands of pounds and continues to do so"
S. Anwar - Provider of Educational products and services to Professionals financial, IT, energy and banking sectors.   

"Raja is a magician with his words. He really could pull a rabbit out of the hat with how he consciously structures his work. Every time I have read something from him my heart opens and I feel pulled into the next sentence. This is a rare gift. There are a lot of people that can write and there are fewer writers that can make me feel. The thing is this man cares. He cares so much that he will actually get to know you, your project and what you need... before his pen hits the paper."
Stephen McGhee - Miracle Leadership Consultant 

"Raja knows more about the techniques of persuasion than nine out of ten copywriters. He has a winning style, great determination and unusual ingenuity." Drayton Bird - Author Commonsense Direct Marketing & Sales letters That Sell and Former International VP & Creative Director Ogilvy & Mather Direct.

More Testimonials Here 

Below are examples of the kind of results I've helped create for various businesses, with email being the compelling driving force, the CASH COW money generator in almost all cases.   

  • Doubling the membership subscriber base helping a business education owner enjoy £25-40k a month… continually
  • Creating strategy, marketing assets and COPY allowing a Practice to be sold for 6 times the initial buying price and have the practice be the 2nd highest earning out of 3000
  • Created the foundational launch strategy, COPY and marketing assets enabling client to acquire clients and for them to sell £15million worth of consumables via specialised client retention systems
  • Created sales based communications allowing client to notch up mid six figure sales for financial services product
  • Created launch strategy, marketing assets and communications to help client sell over 500k in business educational products in 3 weeks
  • Coached and Consulted with Banking Professional and wrote 90% of email and sales communications to sell tens of thousands of pounds of his education based products to other Professionals   

     VERY IMPORTANT: It's fair to say none of the above matters just now because what ultimately matters most are questions about you and your business. About your goals and ambitions. About your specific context, products, services, economics, customers, and marketplace. They're all specific and unique to you. And that's why, you need someone who can listen to you from that very place.   

Get Your FREE BOOK that packs your emails with fresh ideas and copy that'll get your emails opened, read and bought from 

raja.hireker <at> gmail.com / Tel/Voicemail : 44 (0) 7903 905 802
Copyright © R Hireker